
Showing posts from September, 2018

5 Gemstones to Attract Good Luck

It is often said that gemstones and crystals bring fortune and fame in your life. Those who believe this fact have also experienced several benefits in terms of health, relationships and other aspects of life. All you need to do is wear a right gemstone or crystal in a pendant or ring. Here, in this article, we have provided you with the five gemstones that can invite good luck in your life. Have a look: 1. Tiger Eye This powerful crystal in the world of gemstones is best suited for the dreamers. The stone is known for assisting the wearer in focusing on their goals. It also helps to explore the hidden talent by keeping away the fear or anxiety. By placing the gemstone on your nightstand, you can bring abundance and good luck in your life.  2. Citrine With a variety of healing properties, Citrine is also known as merchant stone, which signifies that it is good for someone in marketing or sales. It boosts up the motivation and promotes confidence, which ultima...

Information about Black Obsidian gemstone

Black Obsidian forms from the cool lava that comes out from the volcano. It isn’t considered as a true mineral because of its complex composition which doesn’t resemble crystalline structure. However, in its pure form, Black Obsidian has a dark color like black because of the presence of iron and magnesium. Apart from the decorative purposes, it is also used for practical purposes like surgical purposes. Intheancient times, it was used to made arrowheads, spear point, and other forms of cutting tools. Black  Obsidian can be easily recognized with its structure like glassy luster and single refraction. It is often known as Royal Agate, Xaga, Glassy Lava, and Glass Agate. Black Obsidian is mined almost every part around the globe like in USA, Scotland, New Zealand, Turkey, Mexico, Japan, Peru, Kenya, and Papua-New Guinea. You can also get to see them in Iceland, Greece, Australia, and El Salvador. Black Obsidian is famous for its power to heal among the alchemists, shaman...